Kamis, 13 November 2014

Asigment 2

“Inquiry Letter

The letter is a letter that the company requests made by prospective buyers are sent to the seller that the contents of the request for information regarding the price, the terms of buying and selling, and a catalog of goods or services required.
Letters quote request an early stage of the process business transactions, because when prospective buyers inquired about goods and services to be purchased, it will repon of the seller to explain things - what would be known by the prospective buyer.
Letters quote request made in simple language but it should be clear that the sellers know exactly, what is desired by prospective buyers.
Steps - steps that need to be considered in preparing the solicitation of an offer letter is as follows:
a. Predetermine the type of goods if necessary.
b. Determining when the goods are required.
c. Asking the payment terms and conditions of the shipment.
d. Asking for a discount.
e. Ask for information on how to shipment.
f. Asking what is necessary to complete the request letter.
g. Asking ease obtained buyers like free service, warranty and after-sales service (after sales service)
h. Asking services that can be provided by the seller.
i. Ask for a price list, leaflets, brochures, catalogs, samples, or monsters goods that will be needed.

"Order Letter"

v  Understanding Letter
The letter is a means to convey information in writing from one party to another party. The information in the letter can be notices, statements, requests, reports, thoughts, objections, and so forth. To be considered effective communication by letter, the contents or purpose of the letter should be bright and clear, and not cause any meaning to the recipient.
While the Order Letter is a letter issued by the higher and addressed to the lower or subordinate, so that those who governed do something or not do something in accordance with that described in the letter.
v  Purpose order letter
· Delivering a command to the reader to do something
· Got feedback from readers about the contents of the letter
v  The terms of order letter
Broadly speaking, a letter can be said to be good if it meets the following criteria :
a. Warrant prepared with proper preparation techniques, namely:
- Preparation of layout parts of a letter (form letter) precisely according to the rules or guidelines have been determined.
- Typing letters correct, clear, clean, and tidy, with an attractive format.
- The use of paper in accordance with the general size.
b. Fill warrant must be stated briefly, clear, and explicit. This is so that the receiver can understand the contents of the letter quickly, precisely, do not hesitate and sender also get answers as quickly as desired.
c. The language used must Indonesian correct or standard, in accordance with the rules of Indonesian, both regarding the choice of words, spelling, word form, or sentence. In addition, the language of the letter should be effective. Language letter must also reasonable, logical, saving words, be careful in the choice of words, polite, and interesting. Tone of the letter should be respectful, polite and sympathetic. Wherever possible avoid the use of foreign language equivalents already exist in Indonesian.
v  characteristics order letter
· The shape of the letter sentering is by word Warrant placed in the midst of writing paper, and some are using a form of the word of his Order placed at the edge of a straight left to the group number, attachments, and it
· The warrant is always preceded by the word "basic" or "reason" as a sign of consideration issuing the command.
· The warrant is firm and reliable
v  Parts order letter
1. Chief Warrant
2. Fill Warrant
3. Final Part Warrant
v  The procedure for writing order letter
Letterhead / agencies that provide order letter
Chief Warrant:
- Writing "order letter" is placed in the middle of the manuscript letter
- Writing numbers are under the words "order letter"
Fill the Order:
- Name of the party who gave the order
- Position party giving orders
- Full address party giving orders
- sentence that states the purpose of the warrant and ordered as the first
- Name of the given command
- Position the given command
- Full address given command
- sentence stating the given command as a party to the 2
Letterhead / agencies that provide order letter
Chief Warrant:
- Writing "order letter" is placed in the middle of the manuscript letter
- Writing numbers are under the words "order letter"
Fill the Order:
- Name of the party who gave the order
- Position party giving orders
- Full address party giving orders
- sentence that states the purpose of the warrant and ordered as the first
- Name of the given command
- Position the given command
- Full address given command
- sentence stating the given command as a party to the 2
- Description of what will be done by the party ordered
• The end of order letter:
- Name of the place, date, month and year;
- Name of the post of giving the order;
- official signature and name giver official said command;
- Seals office / stamp authority
- Description of what will be done by the party ordered

An example of order letter
Fashion  Inc

JL. Dr. Laimena

Maluku , Indonesia

May 27,2013

Mozza Butique

Gotta, 2rd Floor

Tual, Maluku Tenggara

Dear Sir or Madam,

As per our discussions on March 28, 2013 we are pleased to place an order for 3 lussin of t-shirt on the following terms and conditions:
  •     The cost of each t-shirt will be Rp. 45.000/piece (exclude tax)
  •     Delivery will be done within 3-4 days from the order date
  •     Damage items in transit are not the responsibility of Mozza Butique
  •     If the order is not delivered as per the above terms and conditions, the order stands cancelled and money can back 100%

We shall appreciate your shipping that albums immediately to our office in JL. Dr Laimena

Maluku, Indonesia. Payment we will made with transfer banking to your account on May 31 2013.

Hoping to have a good relationship with you.

Best regards,

(Ina Mona)

“Complaint letter”

Complaint letter is a letter that made the buyer to the seller for the purpose of informing that the goods were delivered not in accordance with the order.
Letters of complaints received by the seller must meet the following requirements:
1. Have a strong reason with valid evidence
2. It should be fair and correct
3. Must be courteous and respectful to maintain relationships
Preparation of the complaint are as follows:
1. Connect to mail delivery
2. Explain the mail delivery
3. Give deviations and evidence
4. Name a way to resolve firmly
5. End the letter with hope

“Application Letter”

Job application letter is a letter from someone who needs a job to the person or official who can provide employment or occupation. Through a letter of application, the applicant requested that he be given the job. Job application letter can also be interpreted as a letter from the prospective employee to a prospective employer with a request that the employee was given a job by the prospective employer. Job application letter is usually formal or official, for example, a letter to apply for a job as an employee or a certain position in accordance with the advertisement offered. In this case, the applicants in their application letter should mention the source of such applications in the opening paragraph or paragraphs. If the application was not based on a source, certainly not needed any mention of the source in the opening paragraph.
Types of Cover Letters Job
According to the type of manufacturing job application letter is divided into two, namely:
a. Job application letter together with a curriculum vitae (curriculum vitae). In this way, curriculum vitae including the contents of the letter because the contents of the joint, it is also called combined models.
b. Cover letter is separated from the living history. In this way the life history and the attachment in this way is called a separate model.
In practice the usage that is widely used is a separate model. Although in its manufacture requires twice the work, and this model is favored by job seekers because the letter is not too long.
There are several things that must be considered in making a cover letter, as follows:
1. Cover letter handwritten on lined paper in folio size. Posts must be clear, clean, and no streaks. application
letter can be made using a typewriter or computer.
2. Applicants mention him not with us but my pronouns. Applicants should call the head of the institution by Mr / Ms (if it is clearly the leader). If still not clear, can directly mention his post.
In a letter of job application, there are elements of the letter, namely:
1. Head of the letter
2. Place and date of letter writing
3. Regards opener
4. Opener letter
5. The purpose of the job application letter
6. Attachment requirements specified
7. The cover letter
8. Signature and name of applicant
An example of application letter
Techonkreet Techno
Sg Ramal Luar
43000 Kajang
Selangor, Malaysia

Date – 23rd December, 2012
Sub: Application Letter for job with reference to Advertisement in Daily, 29th Dec, 2012

Dear Sir / Madam,
                            This is in response to your advertisement ‘Required Graduates in any discipline’ for office work’ published in the Daily on 29th December 2012. I am interested in applying for the aforesaid.
I am Ms. Irine Abang, 36 years old, graduate from Selangor University batch of year 2000. I have worked for High Climb and Make Stock under the position of adviser. I am willing to attend for interview, test and relocate as per your convenience. I hope, I will be considered for your company’s employment. I have enclosed a copy of my C.V. and experience certificates for your review.
Your assistance and attention to this application is highly appreciated.
Thank you for your time.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Respectfully Yours,
Irine Abang
Lot 318, Jahlan Muhibbah
93400, Kuching
Sarawak, Malaysia
Phone - 802 – 418705
Encl: Photocopy of C.V.
          Experience Certificates


Memo is a concise message, the messages are written someone with a short, clear, and easy to understand. According to the application, there is an official memo and private (unofficial). Memo is officially adopted as a statement of the formal relationship of a leader to his subordinates. Used as a personal memo memorandum or letter is not an official statement among friends, relatives, or others who have a close relationship.

The characteristics of the memo:
1. The letter specifically made specifically for the purposes of the office or organization.
2. Judging from the circulation, an agency or organization may submit a memo horizontally or vertically.
3. Submission horizontally a memo to the delivery office which has the equivalent.
4. Submission vertically a memo delivery of superiors to subordinates or otherwise to remind or ordered anything.
5. It is a form of communication that give advice, guidance, or information about something.
6. Have a piece of mail that is much simpler than the official letter in general, especially in the letter.
7. Due to the limited pedarannya, scrap usually do not include the identity of the office, such as office name, phone number, fax, and postal code, complete.
Shape memo consists of two parts:
· Head memo
o Recipient
o Sender
o Subject and date sender
o initials and the name of the sender light
o Content, author directly convey messages or commands in short sentences and straightforward.


Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014

Business Letter

Find the definition of business letter
Business letter is a letter that is used both individuals, agencies, organizations and institutions whose content is to convey a message - a message written business using certain media either via post, fax or internet media. Business letter has many types of business letters such types of offers, introductory business letter, business letter orders and others - others.
Mention the types, the parts, the styles of business letter
Ø  The types of letters
letters type distinguished by their intended use. Of course, the use of the letter type will also affect the format of the letter to be used. Distinguishing the types of the letter can be seen from the language used, the shape of the letter and also the contents of the letter in it. So sebelmu you create letters, should be understood in advance the type of letter to be created, so that the letter will be made in accordance with the principle: the creation of a standard letter and in accordance with EYD in Indonesian.
Judging from its use, the type of letter is divided into 5 sections, namely:
1.      Private letters
Personal letter is a letter which is commonly made ​​and used for personal interests / personal. Usually the use of a personal letter is only limited to friends and family only. Personal letter which is widely used in the community usually have the following characteristics:
The elimination of the use of letterhead, which typically contains the name and identity of the office,
- Number of letters also eliminated, because there is no file system on this type of personal letters,
- Regards the use of varying opening and closing, can use religious greetings, greetings could also use a good morning, afternoon or type of other greetings,
-  The language used is also free, which is made ​​up of the personal letter, writing grammar rules is usually standard language rather ruled out,
-  No letter format that can bind this type of personal letter. In essence, using any format allowed.
2.      Official letters
An official letter is a letter that is created and officially used in a wide variety of purposes and interests, such as family interests, the interests of agencies, interest organizations, and several other interests. Examples of the use of this official letter is a letter of invitation, penberitahuan letters, circulars, and other types of other letters. Official letter of the most widely used has the following characteristics:
1.  If the organization is to create and distribute, are already using letterhead that contains the organization's name and complete address,

2.  Using the 3 basic items dalamformat letter, ie the number of letters, and the letters regarding the number of attachments that are used,

3.  Greeting and closing formally and commonly used at the beginning and end of the letter,

4.  The language used is also the official language used in the enhanced spelling rules Indonesian,

5.  If the issue is the government agency or organization, then use the seal or stamp to confirm the endorsement letter

6.  Official letter formats in use there as well, so it must be made in accordance with the standardized formats.

The parts of a formal letter can be described in the following explanation:
1.      Letterhead or letter heads, identity is the beginning of a letter. In order to function in accordance with its role, then a letterhead should contain several things, which is the name of the institution or agency or office of the writing process should be printed in capital letters or Caps Lock, address of the agency or agencies and offices are typically written using a combination of uppercase, capslock with small letters and logos of institutions, agencies, offices are usually placed on the right.
2.      Commonly abbreviated letters or numbers with no. letter, containing the serial number of the letter issued by the institution / agency / office. To use traditional letter number, the archive will also be easier to work with.
3.      Attachment or abbreviated with lamp, containing sheets of followers that included in the letter. Appendix serves as an amplifier or an accompanying letter to be sent.
4.      It, is part of a letter which contains an outline of the discussion was about a letter that was sent.
5.      A letter or better known as the date of the letter (usually the date of the letter writing was on the right line or parallel with the number of letters)
6.      Part of the address, try not to use the word, but directly to the address information
7.      Part Opener or better known as a greeting and the writing process terminated comma before entering into the next section.

8.      The core part is often called the contents of the letter. The letter is what will be delivered to the person / agency / office destination. In the letter, there is usually some description of the day / date, time, place of execution, there are types and so forth. The parts are all lowercase except the first letter after a point is written using capital letters in accordance with the valid EYD.

9.      The concluding part of the letter. The concluding part of this letter beberisi some things, which begins with a greeting that can be written using the cover of religion or the concept of time, the position of the agency or office that issued the last and stamped with the signature and name of the issuing light signature.

3.      letters commercial

Letters commercial or trade letters, an official letter is commonly used for commercial or trade purposes, which is usually issued by an industry / factory or service business. Commercial letter should be made as good as possible by using a standardized and formal sentence, because this commercial letter can be very useful for building relationships with outside parties.
The types of letters are in the category of commercial letters include letters of buying and selling, trade letters, receipts, sales letters and collection letters.

4.      official letter

Official letter is a formal letter issued by the office of the official affairs, such as office visits both locally and out of town. By using the mail service, the agenda will also be well controlled and can be archived with good anyway. A wide variety of activities records can be stored. Official letter has characteristics that exactly match the official letter.

5.      official letter

Official letter is a formal letter issued by the office of the official affairs, such as office visits both locally and out of town. By using the mail service, the agenda will also be well controlled and can be archived with good anyway. A wide variety of activities records can be stored. Official letter has characteristics that exactly match the official letter.

6.      Job Application Letter

Job application letter is a letter that was made and used to apply for a job, a good job at the office, factories, shops, companies, or certain agencies. Job application letter is also the entry into the formal letter and also official letter, so must use the formal format. The format and the parts of the job application letter together with an official letter, so for those of you who want him to look back on the format of a formal letter above article.

Ø  Parts of Bussiness Letter

1.                    Letterhead
Companies usually use printed paper where heading or letterhead is specially designed at the top of the sheet. It bears all the necessary information about the organisation’s identity.
2.                    The date of the letter
Date of writing. The month should be fully spelled out and the year written with all
four digits October 12, 2005 (12 October 2005 – UK style). The date is aligned with the return address. The number of the date is pronounced as an ordinal figure, though the endings st, nd, rd, th, are often omitted in writing. The article before the number of the day is pronounced but not written. In the body of the letter, however, the article is written when the name of the month is not mentioned with the day.

3.                    The Inside Address
In a business or formal letter you should give the address of the recipient after your own address. Include the recipient’s name, company, address and postal code. Add job title if appropriate. Separate the recipient’s name and title with a comma. Double check that you have the correct spelling of the recipient ‘s name. The Inside Address is always on the left margin. If an 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper is folded in thirds to fit in a standard 9″ business envelope, the inside address can appear through the window in the envelope.
4.                    The Greeting / Salutation
Also called the salutation. The type of salutation depends on your relationship with the recipient. It normally begins with the word “Dear” and always includes the person’s last name. Use every resource possible to address your letter to an actual person. If you do not know the name or the sex of of your reciever address it to Dear Madam/Sir (or Dear Sales Manager or Dear Human Resources Director). As a general rule the greeting in a business letter ends in a colon (US style). It is also acceptable to use a comma (UK style).

5.                    The Subject Line (optional)
Its inclusion can help the recipient in dealing successfully with the aims of your letter. Normally the subject sentence is preceded with the word Subject: orRe: Subject line may be emphasized by underlining, using bold font, or all captial letters. It is usually placed one line below the greeting but alternatively can be located directly after the “inside address,” before the “greeting.”

6.                    The Body Paragraphs
The body is where you explain why you’re writing. It’s the main part of the business letter. Make sure the receiver knows who you are and why you are writing but try to avoid starting with “I”. Use a new paragraph when you wish to introduce a new idea or element into your letter. Depending on the letter style you choose, paragraphs may be indented. Regardless of format, skip a line between paragraphs.

7.                    The Complimentary Close
This short, polite closing ends always with a comma. It is either at the left margin or its left edge is in the center, depending on the Business Letter Style that you use. It begins at the same column the heading does. The traditional rule of etiquette in Britain is that a formal letter starting “Dear Sir or Madam” must end “Yours faithfully”, while a letter starting “Dear ” must end “Yours sincerely”. (Note: the second word of the closing is NOT capitalized).

8.                    Signature and Writer’s identification
The signature is the last part of the letter. You should sign your first and last names. The signature line may include a second line for a title, if appropriate. The signature should start directly above the first letter of the signature line in the space between the close and the signature line. Use blue or black ink.

9.                    Initials, Enclosures, Copies
Initials are to be included if someone other than the writer types the letter. If you include other material in the letter, put ‘Enclosure’, ‘Enc.’, or ‘ Encs. ‘, as appropriate, two lines below the last entry. cc means a copy or copies are sent to someone else.
  • Styles of Bussiness Letter
-  Block Style
-  Semi Block Style
-  Full Block Style
-  Indented Style
-  Simplified Style
-  Hanging indentation Style

Example of business letter
