Jumat, 02 Januari 2015

Scavenge the Past

You always taught me to scavenge the past.
Forced to touch the back memories.
Stranded in the shadows are you intentionally scratch.
As if the real your figure.
Incarnated as a hero oversleep mordant happiness

In memory of you dragging me slowly.
Towards period which should forget.
Until I was exhausted.
Until I realized, that I'm in permainkan.

Is this how you hurt me?
Is this how you tore my feelings?
What to see the tears that means happy utkmu?
What with incised wound in my heart, it means you win?

Who I own eyes?
Until so hard to release me from jeratanmu.
Is your little doll is forbidden to be happy?
Are you playing puppet who often is forbidden to seek freedom?
Why do you always treat me like a toy?
When did you teach me freedom?

Teach me how to forget. Excludes all anxiety, negating all the memories.
In fact patter tears caused only by you.

Teach me how to forget. So I forgot how to cry.
So I forgot how to wail. Because I always knew tears.

I just wanted to laugh.
So my heart, numbness will wound.

sumber: @dwitasaridwita

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